This morning my dad and I walked to Zupan's to get espresso and pastries. The coffee shop right around the corner was closed. What the hell, guys? Closed on Thanksgiving? How dare you spend the day with your families instead of serving us coffee. Thank goodness for Zupan's.
Afterward we went to this really great mossy cemetery that's a few blocks away from our apartment. It was quiet and full of all these lovely, weathered gravestones. The coolest was a little cathedral-esque mausoleum thing, at which we (of course) had to take some photos.

I'm wearing: Wet Seal dress, Target scarf and socks, Old Navy coat, F21 hat, Ross boots.
I like that last photo because it looks kinda ~ghostly~ or whatever. Lol 'cause it's in a cemetery trolololo!
So this is the first Thanksgiving I've spent outside of Missoula in... actually,
ever. It's rather sad, but I'm happy to be here with my dad and Greg. In light of it being Thanksgiving and all, I'd like to make a (long-ass tl;dr) list of things I'm thankful for. I like to come up with original ideas like that, you know, keeping it real and exciting.
I'm thankful for Portland, and the incredibly wonderful, warm, and lovely friends who reside within it. They make me so happy, and we have had some super fun times since I moved out here. I'm thankful for a group of people to see the new HP movie with, people to go to Trek in the Park with, people to laugh with, and people to pester when I'm bored.
I'm thankful for Ashleigh and Pablo, who let me stay on their floor for two weeks while I got settled here in Portland, and who are two of the most fun, warm, silly, and amazing people I've had the privilege to know. I'm thankful for Rose and Matt, who let me stay with them multiple times in the past, and who are always so sweet and welcoming and dorky and amazing.
I'm thankful for Rose, my sister regardless of blood relation, who always manages to make me feel better when I'm down, and who can still make me laugh more than anybody else I know, just by being herself.
I'm thankful for Greg, who stuck with me through four months of absolute stress when we were unemployed and scared we wouldn't be able to stay in Portland, who put up with my irritability and my crying and my anger and my fear and everything else.
I'm thankful for my dad, who even though he was struggling himself, sent me money to help pay for groceries and necessities.
I'm thankful for everybody who commissioned art from me when I was desperate, because it made a world of difference and I was able to give them heartfelt thanks in the form of art that I imbued with my own gratefulness and love.
I'm thankful for Shaun, who resurrected my inner slash fangirl.
I'm thankful for my mom, who listens to me ramble forever on the phone about Sherlock, feminism, work, the internet, and whatever random crap pops into my head at the moment. I'm also thankful for her constant love, support, and presence in my life at the times when I need her the most.
I'm thankful for the books that have taken me out of this world and into other ones, and rescued me from life exactly when I most needed an escape. I'm thankful for the drive to work, that allows me to turn up my music as loud as I want, and lets me contemplate life in a cocoon of warmth and song. I'm thankful for my coworkers, who continue to be generous, funny, and entertaining in what would be an otherwise tedious job. I'm thankful for so many other things, but those are the ones I think are most meaningful.
I hope you all have a marvelous holiday, and don't buy too many things on Black Friday! I know I will. I mean won't. I mean... what?