Sunday, June 19, 2011

This Post is Ill-Advised

That photo is a nice summary of my Saturday. Couldn't be arsed, wore jeans. Drank a 20oz double-shot latte, went on tumblr and fangirled all over the place regarding Dragon Age 2, and then ran 'round in circles before picking up Dragon Age: Origins and playing that for about... 9 hours, give or take.

I've had "The Last Thing On Your Mind" by Lights stuck in my head for the past 48 hours or so.

Just submitted a secret to fandom!secrets. It is 2:55am.

I also drank 3 Dr Peppers this evening.

What is my life.

I think I might quit this blog. I won't say anything for sure, like, "I'M LEAVING THE BLOGOSPHERE FOR GOOD" or, "I WANT TO EXPERIENCE REAL LIFE AND NOT THIS INTERNET MONSTER" because nothing could be further from the truth. That would probably be the healthy thing to do, but... nah. Lately I just really don't give a crap, to be quite honest. My blog was something to make me feel like I was accomplishing things in life, and it made me be creative, but now I'm going to school in the fall and I kind of... I kind of just don't care anymore because I don't need it anymore.

We'll see though, because I really love all the people I've met in the blogosphere (lawl blogosphere), and I'll always love clothes and fashion and getting dressed up, but I just don't think this blog is really going anywhere. Maybe my narcissism and vanity will change that, but don't be surprised if the outfit posts stop or peter off into nothing.

This is becoming redundant. It's 3:00 in the morning, give me a break! I guess maybe I should go to bed then. Have a Fenris.