Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back From the Somewhat Dead

Here are some random photos from my awesome friend Ashleigh's bachelorette party this past weekend. Pretty much the only semi-flattering one of me, plus an awesome party hat pic, a tattoo, and an infinity pool!

The Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle is very nice. So, amazingly, was the weather on Saturday!

Yours truly, my dearest Rose, and the bride to be herself.

We were told to don the party hats.

Rose has the coolest tattoos. This one is of St Christopher, who protects her when she travels. Russian Orthodox style. So awesome!

Well the job is still exhausting me, and I am having an incredibly hard time getting dressed in the morning in anything that's not super cuddly and comfy. I'm not a morning person. I'm working on it, though! I'll be doing outfit posts regularly again as soon as I can accustom myself to getting up at 7:30am.

I was thinking I might do a Q&A post (bolded so you don't miss it when you're quickly scrolling past the text like I sometimes do), but it's really up to you all whether or not I do! If you have any questions for me, I don't care what they are, just post 'em in the comments or on my Formspring if you want to be anon for whatever reason. If I get some questions, I'll do a post answering them in the future. If not, whatevs, no big deal!

Also let me just say thank you guys a million for all of your input on my last post! So many awesome solutions. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately for my bank account), I ended up wearing a super old dress that I don't particularly like, but I didn't care overmuch because I ended up having tons of fun in downtown Seattle! I forgot how much fun it is to hang out with a big group of girls.

Well, time to read I Capture the Castle and then bed! I hope you guys have an awesome night. ♥