Thursday, September 9, 2010

Clothes from the Past

Oh my assbuckets, they removed the cool cement blocks that I used to utilize as my makeshift tripod for outfit shots! Nooooo....! My backdrop is still there, but now I have nowhere to put my camera. This is tragic. I felt like I really should update my blog after a long while of neglect though, so I used my friend's car as a tripod instead. These photos are super washed-out and weird... but at least they're better than nothing.

I'm wearing: F21 skirt (from absolute ages ago), Old Navy sweater, Target tights, Payless sneakers.

So most of this outfit (okay, just the skirt and sweater, but that's all there is) is from the bags of clothes my mom brought out here from Montana where I'd had it stored for over a year. I was going to get rid of this skirt because I figured it was far too small for me anymore, but turns out it fits again! Huzzah. This is actually the kind of outfit I wore every single day for a couple years in college -- plaid pleated skirt, sneakers, and a t-shirt or sweater. It was quite the uniform, but cute and functional, and it identified me as a geek so that was nice. However I always wore these beat-up old black Chuck Taylors, which I've since thrown out. These Keds rip-offs were picked up at Payless right before PAX, so I'd have some comfy shoes to stand in all day. Plus I needed some sneakers quite badly. Never part a geek girl with her sneakers, fashionista or not. They will be needed at some point.

So the reason I've been mostly absent from the blog lately, aside from PAX, is that my new job is super exhausting. I absolutely love it, but getting used to the 8-hour work day is quite an ordeal. Luckily I'm feeling a bit less bushed tonight, so hopefully I'm starting to get used to it. I've still been tweeting a lot though, so check out my twitter if you wanna see what random thoughts pop into my head throughout the day. My posts there are locked for the moment, but if you request to read them, I'll probably letcha.

Well well. I really need to get paid so I can pay my phone bill and think about buying a tripod, but not actually do it. Fie.