I have ab-so-lutely nothing of use to say today! Therefore, have a glimpse into what I do to entertain myself at work. I write short-short stories to my friend Rachael via instant message. Damn you, 640MB of RAM! *shakes fist at heavens*
from the primeval forests they sprang, shaking off the dirt of a million years, and they lay dormant, waiting until we should call for them. waiting... yet when we at last sent out a call for the dells, they trekked over mountains and through plains, and as they finally came to lie at our feet, proffering their CPUs and their CD-Rs and their color monitors, we proclaimed, "seriously? 640 MB of RAM? fuck that," and fell upon them with hammers.
I don't remember when I took these photos but I figured I ought to use them at some point. Derp.
Also I read this amazing book, My Dearest Holmes, by Rohase Piercy. If for some reason you're as obsessed as I am with straight/ambiguous dudes being ~super gay~ for each other, then you ought to read this. It's actually quite well-written, and while John Watson is written as a bit of a basket-case (what grown military man is going to start weeping at the least provocation?), it's pretty much a really, really great fanfic in published book form. Read it.