Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So I have a question for you guys. If I were to start a blog shop, one of those "shop my closet" things, would it be an awesome thing, or a kind of omg why is she jumping on the bandwagon thing? I love it when bloggers open little shops, but you never know, so I figure some feedback would be good. I really need to get rid of a lot of the clothes I no longer wear, so I figure I could offer them up for cheapo to you guys. Thoughts?

I'm wearing: F21 skirt, Heather's sweater, Hot Topic t-shirt, necklace and earrings from Mom.

I dressed like a total frump on Monday. I wasn't going to even post these, but I feel like a blogging slacker, so I am going to anyway. The only thing I could think when looking at these was "omg I need to learn about makeup." Seriously. I mean, not crazy makeup with bronzer and fifty layers of foundation, but at least... something to make me look like I didn't just wake up from a thousand-year sleep in my sarcophagus. Or something to make me look not twelve. My glasses do a lovely job of hiding my ineptitude, but sometimes I just don't want to wear them in photos, and then what?

I watched The Social Network with Greg a few days ago. It turned out to be pretty awesome! I never thought a movie about Facebook could be so intriguing. Have you guys seen it? What did you think?


Unknown said...

I have a wee shoppe on my blog where I sell some of my old things. I think they are a good idea! I haven't sold anything from it, but it is always there and it gets a lot of pageviews because viewers are wanting a little looky!

Highly recommend it!


callie said...

you are not a frump-o-rama you are so cute!! star trek tee FTW!

I've been thinking about the whole blog shop thing too... I didn't want people to think i was a loser for opening one & i'm also pretty sure no one will buy anything but i might do it anyways. You should definitely open one!! I will buy your stuff if i can fit my big old self into any of it! Sell accessories! haha

Alison-Claire said...

I think blogshops are great, especially for people like me who live in towns without Buffalo Exchanges and Crossroads, etc! Also, the Social Network was great, I lovelovelove Andrew Garfield in everything he's done, but did you know Justin Timberlake thought he should have been nominated for an Oscar? Come on Justin, you're a popstar.

Raymond Kemp said...

I love the Star Trek shirt,I think it is a pretty cool idea for you to start your own blogshop.

The Social Network was pretty cool,I rather enjoyed it.

Also I totally dig the Heather's sweater.

HollyElise said...

As far as learning about makeup, can I suggest Pixiwoos on Youtube? They rock! And they are British :)

aprileveryday said...

I don't think you look like a frump! I actually really like this outfit! It's nice and casual :)

I just experimented with makeup, I pretty much only wear eyeliner and blusher and I honestly still have no idea how to put eyeliner on! I just put it on my lid see where it goes then match the other eye up haha! I watched a couple videos on Panacea's youtube just to get some hints which really helped even though the stuff she does is totally like going out makeup but whatever, it helped me! :) Her youtube is: Have a good week/weekend! :)

callie said...

Oh and I forgot to say I thought Social Network was really good too! Kinda depressing though (at least for me). Didn't know JT could act either but that was a pleasant surprise.

Heather said...

Oh I see, so my sweater equals frumpiness? Hmph. Hah, I kid. I personally think you look awesome, as you always do. And there isn't anything wrong with your makeup! I say, embrace looking younger! In ten years, you'll be super thankful for it. I look like a baby with or without makeup but whatever! Anyway, definitely open a blog shop! Maybe I'll see something I want and we can just forever trade (I'm slacking on the striped dress front) Haha.

gee said...

i am horrible at makeup.
i use mascara and whatever to cover up acne & that about all i can do. i didnt even start wearing makeup regularly til freshman year of college.
i am glad you posted this outfit...i think you look lovely..

ps. def open a blog shop!

Steph & The Spaniels said...

Love this, the skirt is really pretty- love the colour, and with that tee it looks great :)

Libby said...

I just happened upon your blog, and I'm so excited I did because it's awesome!! I would love to see you open a shop my closet type shop, and I agree about The Social Network!

Mugdha said...

I think a blog shop is a great idea! I love looking through other bloggers' closets even if I don't buy anything, haha.

caitlin said...

this is totally non-frumpy! you're crazy :p

i finally got around to watching the social network recently and i also really liked it! i'm totally anti-facebook and think that it has basically ruined our generation (but that's another story), but it was definitely interesting to see how such a phenomenon took off. it definitely made mark zuckerberg look like a complete douche (though maybe kind of a sympathetic one?).

deirdre said...

Watching Star Trek while reading a blog entry with someone wearing a Star Trek t-shirt = awesome.

Stephanie Harrison said...

I really love your cardigan.
You are terribly cute, I think your blogshop would be a fine idea!

Veronika Novotny said...

Lovely look as always, love that fun tee paired with the skirt -adorbs! And that sweater is so sweet + cozy. As for opening a shop, such a great idea. I think it's a great way to sell off clothes. xx veronika

Catherine said...

Okay posting slacker is waiting 4 months to post something new like I did. I love the outfit. It looks so comfortable.

-Catherine (The Girl in the Paper Dress)

Sara said...

MEG! I have missed you!

I love the skirt and you know that I dig the T, yoiu can't go wrong with a sweet cardi like that either! :)

Hrmm... I thin if you were going to start wearing makeup, try eyeliner and mascara first? I would just play around to see waht you like. I went from heavy eye makeup to just mascara and blush so you never know. You have pretty skin though, so you really don't have to worry about it :)

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I haven't seen The Social Network at all but I would like to!
I love your outfit. so wonderful.
if you ever got a little shop I'd probably end up buying a top or something. I used to have one of those little shops and surprisingly people really do buy things through them but not often enough haha.

Sophie said...

your hair looks stunning here! I watched the social network the other night too, i was really impressed! feel like i need to watch it again tho, he talks so fast i think i missed most of it lol!xx

Unknown said...

i loveee that movie. it motivates me so much. i also love eduardo. and everything about it. the style, the idea. besides the fact that they're not friends anymore, it's great.

p.s. love your shop. gah! love your new layout tooo. did you do it yourself? looks great. GR8-)