All I ask of you is one thing: please don’t be cynical. I hate cynicism, for the record, it’s my least favorite quality and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.
-Conan O'Brien
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
-Oscar Wilde

I'm wearing: Amanda's top, F21 skirt, second hand belt and shoes.
I've been disappointed in a lot of my fellow human beings lately. I won't go into specifics, but I'm tired of seeing people experience less of the world than they could because they let themselves be limited by "realism" (another word for cynicism, in my opinion). I'm tired of seeing people take advantage of one another, cut each other down, and not be open and honest in all things. It frustrates me to no end. Why would you construct a shell of negativity around yourself? Why would you go out of your way to hurt someone, or to make their life harder in any capacity?
I may not be the most happy-go-lucky, optimistic person in the world every day of my life. I tend to be hard on myself, or worry that things will go as badly as possible in many situations. But when it comes to the inherent good and love in every human being, when it comes to trusting that people will do the right thing in general, and when it comes to expecting people to treat one another with respect and dignity, you could call me idealistic. Sure, but I'd rather live by a set of ideals than by the crushed hopes of the cynical.
I could go on and on about this, but I won't, because it'll just get me down. Today, I'm going to be happy and enjoy life's little things, and ignore the rest of them. The cynics and the assholes and all negativity in general can just bugger off!

I love that shirt!
And don't let people get you down. Then they win.
You are brilliant Meg. I'm such an idealist (most days) and I choose to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I try to be as nice as possible, be compassionate and loving. I always get so upset when others are hurtful and negative. I feel like you should make the most out of each minute of your life. Usually, I'm my own cynic. I'm working on it though!
As far as your adorable self, I still love how you styled this. Polka dots + stripes = LOVE. You look gorgeous miss Meg!
I love this outfit! You made the stripes and polka dots look good, instead of clash!
cutest blouse, love the print mixing
really cute outfit! i love it
and i know what you mean about cynicism--i feel people start forgetting the good things in life.
That is such a cute skirt! And don't let anyone get you down! I am a huge idealist (a big dreamer), and I fnd that when I'm feeling less than swell about life, keeping a log of inspirational quotes (mine involve a good deal of Dr. Seuss, haha) always lifts my mood.
I bow down to your awesome pattern mixing skills. And your awesome attitude.
I loved this post, not only are your pictures adorable but the words written here are so important. I've been feeling the same way lately with people being so negative. Its a shame people don't really look at the bright side of things. Lovely post, I'm following and look forward to reading more x
I really love the mix of patterns you executed here! fabulous!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Goodwill Huntingg’s Shopping Guides: Cleveland Free Press
Blogger Spotlight: Pearls and Personality
My Vintage Handbag Line
This was a really great read, Meg. I usually try my best to see the good in things and make a point to be for the most part optimistic. Lately, with all of the things going on in the world right now and the way people around me have been acting, it's been harder to be so optimistic. But, like you said, I should just tell these other people to "bugger off!" :)
Anyway, I love this outfit. That top is adorable and your shoes are wonderful!
I love those quotes! They're awesome. Agreed, some people should just bugger off sometimes.
I featured you in my sunday inspiration post :)
I love the print mixing in this outfit, it's so cute
Meg you look like a little doll! I love the little top tucked into the skirt and the belt and shoes were made for each other!
I agree with this post %100. I think when people start to feel bad about themselves they bring others down. I fully understand little rants every once in awhile, but I am also (even though I do it all the time) so sick of seeing FML all over facebook and twitter and all the snarky comments. I think people need to relax, stop hating themselves and others, let the little things slide off and just learn how to deal.
i love your stripey skirt!! it looks so adorable with the polka dot shirt :)
Oh yes, the Debbie Downers of this world spend way, way too much of their time and energy trying to bring others down with them! These DD's also tend to be very ignorant/close minded... it's not always easy to determine which. It's easy to get upset if you have family or friends who are DD's..... but I've learned to say my part and then let it go. If they choose not to listen, then it's too bad that they'll miss out on so much in their lifetime. Acknowledge, address, then let go and enjoy life with those who live with their hearts open :)
I love this. I love this. I love this. I want to steal it off your body and run away with it squealing about Peter Pan collars and stripes.
Why are they called Peter Pan collars? I don't think Peter Pan's outfit had a collar like that.
I know a lot of people who are so mean to each other and I don't know how anyone could want to hurt people not only with words but especially in violence. it is awful!! I feel you! You look beautiful and this is an amazing outfit on you.
This the cutest blouse I have seen in such a long time.
I have been so fed up with people lately as well. It seems as though good people are few and far between. Everyone is so god damn selfish, ignorant, and dishonest. Well, not everyone but still too many.
This outfit is my favorite! You are adorable!!
great post- i totally agree! i've had some people like this in my life and it is seriously frustrating. i am very upbeat and optimistic and i find it so unnecessary for them to be trying to bring everyone else around them down. btw your outfit today is soooo adorable!! love your blog :)
xo, allie
great look
Love this look, the polka dots mixed with the stripes is perfect, and I love your shoes!
xo Cara
Ah you look amazing! I absolutely adore the polka dots and the stripes! And the little pop of your brown shoes is so perfect. Lovelylovelylovely!!!
you are so adorable :) i love your hair...and glasses!
I love this amazing mixing of prints. These pieces seem practically made for eachother!
love that skirt! i love stripes :)
Adorable outfit, the pattern mixing is great! Sorry about the bad day, that sucks when others bring you down.
By the way, I just found your blog, it's so cute. You have great style.
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