Sunday, January 16, 2011

wut up

I don't have anything of use to say today, as I'm nursing a very mild hangover and convincing myself to be productive (yeah right), still in my pajamas. So instead of a real post, have an awkward photo of myself and Greg on New Year's Eve.

Every single picture turned out like this: Greg being all super cute, and me looking like a tool. Accurate life representation??


Unknown said...

When my boyfriend and I take photos he constantly has his eyes closed and my smile looks perverted! We have about 4 'good' photos that have been taken in 3.2 years! How crazy is that!!


Anonymous said...

That photo is adorable!
My boyfriend and I struggle to take decent photos all the time. My favourite photos of him feature me with a ridiculous face and his favourite pictures of me involve either him looking drunk/ stoned or no him at all...

One of these days we'll get it right! =]

callie said...

hahahahahaha you're the best.

Amber Schmidt said...

I love you Meg. ;D

Christy said...

Ha ha this is pretty awesome. I have two friends and when they were dating they realized they had no pictures of them together so I helped them by "constructing" them some photos by putting their faces on bodies in magazine photos.
It worked out pretty awesome!

Christy of Dress Rehearsal

Sara said...

LOL most of the pics Kyle and I take are the same way. We have a ridiculous amount of pictures of my tongue.

You guys still look cute :) I hope you feel better soon!

Emma said...

lol i love photo's like this, you look adorable.,
Scrapbook de la Emma

Amanda said...

HAHA! Love it. This is like the reverse of me and Gavin yesterday at my birthday dinner with my friends. I was looking super cute and he was posing like a dork because he was slightly buzzed. (why he was buzzed at MY 21st bday dinner and not me, I have no idea)

Alyspank said...

<3<3<3<3 You're too freaking funny.

I think that's the first time I've ever seen Greg on your blog! Hi, Greg! Nice to meet 3/4 of your face!


Chez said...

This is also the story of my relationship, I can't seem to look normal and unlike a Chihuahua. But, you do look very cute together. How are your England plans coming along?

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

you could never look like a tool. haha.

essentially aimee said...

Story of my life when I take pictures with the boy hehe. Cute! I linked you in my latest post, by the way. Hope you don't mind!


veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

almost all of the pictures of my man and i look the same way; it's some freak spasm in my face that make me look like an idiot whenever we're in a picture together. i'm just going to start photoshopping normal pictures of my head in.

sartoriography said...

This photo is hilarious!! I'm pretty sure I've had an identical expression on my face at least a dozen times. I saw we just accept our toolery and own the heck out it! :)

Dani Freitas said...

This are the greatest photos! It`s fun and natural, loved it!